DermaWand, Without the Magic
As a 40 year old woman, I have tried everything to hold onto my youth. Everything. Chemical peels, microdermabrasion, skin bleaching, LED light masks, hydrafacials, Fraxel lasers, the list goes on and on. I desperatly want to ward off wrinkles, age spots, sagging skin, and enlarged pores. Fighting off the inevitable is a daunting task, but I am willing to fight the good fight. Having used so many types of products out there, I am pretty confident I can spot a good one from a bad.
The good products, the ones that actually work, are expensive. Really, really expensive. Often they're only available in doctors offices. The Fraxel lasers for instance, are very expensive and can be administered by a physician. The laser takes away the top layer of your skin and leaves you with pink, fresh, new skin. The laser is clinically proven to work.
Products that are a definite fail, are the ones offered in your grocery store. Wrinkle creams. These pretty packaged bottles of nothing, do nothing. The most you get is a soft face. I can forgive companies for exaggerating their ability, because women won't break the bank buying lies in a jar.
The gimmicks I do have issue with are those sold on TV or the internet claiming to have the power to remove your wrinkles in the comfort of your own home. Derma Wand for instance, is a product that claims just that. The tool claims to give the same results as a big radio frequency machine that is offered in dermatology offices. The price isn't cheap, though you can pay in installments.
I am very confident that if this machine actually worked, dermatology offices everywhere would be selling the same technology and making a fortune. Ladies, I implore you, save your money. Spend it on a treatment that actually removes wrinkles, like Botox.